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Efficient Computation of Partial Elements for Non-Orthogonal PEEC Meshes

Luca Di Angelo, Daniele Romano, Giulio Antonini, Ivana Kova?evi?-Badstübner, Ulrike Grossner

  • EMC
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    IEEE Members: $11.00
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    Length: 00:17:27
12 Aug 2021

The partial element equivalent circuit (PEEC) method has proven to be able to provide a valid solution method of the Maxwell’s equations in the time as well as the frequency domain. The extension of the basic PEEC approach to non-orthogonal geometries has significantly expanded the applicability of the method. The computation of interaction integrals is typically performed numerically and it results to be time-consuming. This work presents a new flexible and accurate computational method for determining the partial inductances in the quasi-static limit. More specifically, an automatic decomposition of the non-orthogonal geometries into parallelepipeds is proposed so that analytical formulas which are available in this case can be used. The accuracy, and speed of the proposed method is compared with standard integration routines exhibiting a satisfactory accuracy and reduced computation time.