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    Pages/Slides: 74
Panel 28 Sep 2018

This 2-hrs panel addresses the important and very timely topics of grid integration aspects and operating experiences of distributed energy resources (DERs). This panel uniquely addresses these topics from an integrated T&D power system's perspective, leverages utility and developer experiences, and enriches North American with international contributions. The panel is structured around short presentations (10-15 min. max) followed by substantial time for discussion with the audience (30-60 min). First, the recently revised North American interconnection standards IEEE Std 1547 is presented to provide a framework for next-generation functional requirements and definitions. Next, a distribution utility presents real-life operating experience of grid-supportive DERs with a distribution grid focus. Then, a bulk system operator or ISO discusses the importance of engaging in the application of IEEE Std 1547. Following, a technology vendor presents the impact of DERs; new reactive power and voltage control functionalities on the T&D interface and operational strategies to overcome related challenges. Finally, the importance of testing and verification of interconnection requirements is presented together with a status update on the revision of IEEE Std 1547.1 These short presentations are then followed by discussions with the audience which the panel chairs would summarize at the end of the panel session. The panel summary could be informative in the application of IEEE Std 1547 which is expected to be published by the time of the General Meeting in July 2018, and complements a tutorial on 1547 sponsored by the T&D Distributed Resources Integration Working Group (DRIWG).

J. Boemer, B. Enayati

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