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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 26
Panel 12 Aug 2019

The modern bulk electricity grid is a complex cyber-physical system, not only does it contain traditional generation, transmission and distribution systems, but also IT, communication and control systems.
In addition, the reliable operation of the grid relies on other external infrastructures, such as transportation and gas pipeline networks, etc. Failures in any of these systems during extreme weather events or human attacks could lead to a system blackout, resulting in significant loss of the economy. Grid resilience, often described as the ability to harden the system against - and quickly recover from - high-impact low-frequency (HILF) events, therefore becomes an important issue in the power industry, and is getting more and more attention from stakeholders as well as policy makers such as DOE, FERC and State Commissions. For instance, FERC has requested each ISO/RTO region to provide comments on the definition, metrics and mitigation measures of grid resilience. The meaning of grid resilience could be different depending on the geographic location of the grid, its regulatory framework, and the characteristics of regional resource mix. The definition and metrics associated are highly linked with those of power system reliability. Grid resilience challenges can be addressed by regulatory policies, enhanced operating and planning procedures, or market constructs. Improving grid resilience can create wide-spread impact on ISO/RTO, transmission, distribution and generation companies as well as consumers. This session will focus its discussion on the definition, metrics, and market solutions to grid resilience as well as its impact on stakeholders. Panelists will discuss the current status and potential enhancements to operating procedures, planning procedures, and incentives to ensure that resources are able to supply and deliver energy, and recover the system sufficiently, during various HILF events.

Tongxin Zheng, Erik Ela
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Operations, Planning and Economics (PSOPE)

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