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IEEE Resource Center

Panel Session 04 Aug 2020

Number of electric vehicles (EV) on the roads are increasing very fast in recent year, which will have remarkable impacts on power system operation and planning. EV charging loads have some extent of flexibility because the charging time, power and even location can be controlled or guided. Thus, EVs could serve as a new type of demand-side flexible resource and even distributed energy storage systems to achieve peak shaving and valley filling, maintain grid frequency, promote renewable energy integration. Researchers around the world are making significant advances in these areas. Moreover, some pilot projects have been implemented to test the technical and commercial feasibility of smart charging and vehicle-to-grid (V2G). This panel session aims to identify the challenges and opportunities offered by EVs connected to grid, discuss the EV charging/discharging control methods and business models, and disseminate the experiences and lessons learned from the pilot projects.

Zechun Hu
Primary Committee:
Energy Development & Power Generation (EDPG)