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  • PES
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    Length: 02:50:44
Panel Session 06 Aug 2020

Transmission planning has traditionally dealt with uncertainties in generation development and load growth. While these uncertainties are still a concern, new uncertainties have arisen that add new complexities to transmission planning, including the transition from conventional generation sources to renewable sources, uncertainty in type and location of future generation additions determined by market forces rather than centralized planning, climate change and its impacts on existing infrastructure as well as the increased exposure to extreme events, emerging energy storage technologies, an aging transmission infrastructure, and the need to accommodate environmental, social and political objectives. Incorporating so many and diverse objectives while still developing a robust and economical transmission plan is challenging.
The panel will demonstrate how such uncertainties are being addressed in the transmission planning process and highlight best practices and lessons learned by TSOs and planning agencies, industry experts and research centers from the USA, Latin America and Europe.

James Feltes, Sundar Venkataraman
Primary Committee:
Power System Operations, Planning & Economics (PSOPE)
Sponsor Committees:
Bulk Power System Planning Subcommittee