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IBR Grid Integration: Operation Challenges and the New Stability Assessment Paradigm Based on Black-box Models

* 21PESGM1038, SSO Challenges for IBRs directed connected to series capacitors: J. ROSE, ERCOT * 21PESGM1039, Australia's Real-World IBR Operation Challenges and Lessons Learned: B. BADRZADEH, Aurecon * 21PESGM1040, Operation challenges of wind SSO in China: X. DONG, State Grid China * 21PESGM1041, California ISO&#039,s experience of modeling IBRs : S. ZHU, California ISO * 21PESGM1042, Aggregating the frequency-coupled admittance models for stability evaluation of wind SSO: X. XIE, Tsinghua University * 21PESGM1043, Modeling interactions among IBRs: L. FAN, University of South Florida

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26 Jul 2021

More and more inverter-based resources (IBRs), e.g., solar and wind, are integrated into power grids. IBRs pose many operation challenges, e.g., intermittence and low inertia resulting in large frequency variations. In addition, unprecedent dynamic phenomena were observed in the real-world, e.g., large-scale solar PV tripping in California after transmission outage, low-frequency voltage oscillations observed in both Texas and Australia after transmission outages due to IBRs with weak grid interconnections, to name a few. Accurate and computing efficient dynamic stability assessment for IBR penetrated power systems is on demand, while IBRs being “black-boxes” to grid operators seems to be the biggest hurdle. This panel session brings a group of industry experts and academia researchers together to discuss the challenges, propose mitigation strategies and reshape assessment for the changing grid.

Yunzhi Cheng, ERCOT, Lingling Fan, University of South Florida
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