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Application of multi-scale modeling and simulation techniques to AC-DC power systems

* 21PESGM2412, Fine-grained parallel multi-scale simulation of HVDC systems on GPU: Y. CHEN, Tsinghua University * 21PESGM2413, Modeling of fuel cells power systems at different time scales: K. STRUNZ, Technical University of Berlin * 21PESGM2414, Multi-scale co-simulation of large power systems using EMT and dynamic phasor solvers: S. FILIZADEH, University of Manitoba * 21PESGM2415, Comparative analysis of quasi-static and dynamic phasors in the simulation of power systems with high share of power electronics: C. RAHMANN, University of Chile

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26 Jul 2021

Nowadays AC-DC power systems with integrated AC and HVDC technologies including power electronic converters are of increasing interest. There are different types of transients in AC-DC power systems, such as high-frequency electromagnetic transients and low-frequency electromechanical transients. The accurate and efficient simulation of diverse AC-DC transients over large time scales will support the in-depth analysis and opens the opportunity of real-time applications to ensure operational security and stability of AC-DC power systems. In this panel, researchers from different countries will present the latest developments and progresses on application of multi-scale modeling techniques to AC-DC power systems.

Shaahin Filizadeh, University of Manitoba, Yue Xia, China Agricultural University
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