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Emerging Trends in Modelling and Control of HVDC and FACTS (slides)

* 21PESGM2405, Wireless control of modular multilevel converter submodules: B. CIFTCI, KTH Royal Institute of Technology * 21PESGM2406, Enhancement of transient stability for grid forming converter: X. GUILLAUD, University of Lille * 21PESGM2410, Control Technologies for ultra-high LCC-VSC-MTDC system: Y. ZHOU, Electric Power Research Institute, China Southern Power Grid * 21PESGM2434, Adaptive Notch Filter-based Mitigation method for High-Frequency Resonance in MMC-HVDC Systems: X. XIE, Tsinghua University

  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 83
28 Jul 2021

HVDC transmission systems and FACTS, particularly static synchronous compensators (STATCOMs), are becoming a foundational technology for modern transmission grids. Modelling and control of HVDC and FACTS play a critical role in the dynamic analysis of modern transmission systems. This panel intends to share the recent advances in modelling and control of HVDC and FACTS, including the wireless control of submodules for modular multilevel converters, enhanced grid-forming control strategies under different grid conditions, system-level control strategies of hybrid LCC-VSC-MTDC systems, harmonic damping of HVDC-connected offshore wind farms, as well as integration of real control code for interoperability studies.

Xiongfei Wang, Aalborg University, Denmark, Kai Strunz, Technical University of Berlin
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