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Integrating Relay Models with RMS Dynamic Simulations

* 21PESGM2236, Application of Automated Protection Modeling and Parameterization to Identify Credible Issues during Dynamic Grid Disturbances: S. MCGUINNESS, EPRI * 21PESGM2237, On the integration of protection modelling in dynamic simulators: a comprehensive relay framework and its applications in three-phase RMS analysis: T. ASSIS, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro * 21PESGM2238, System wide automatic setup of protection systems for long-term dynamic simulations: J. JARDIM, HPPA Inc. * 21PESGM2239, Identification of Critical Distance Relays to be Modeled in Transient Stability Studies: A Machine-Learning-based Approach: M. HEDMAN, Arizona State University * 21PESGM2240, Enhanced protection modelling approach for power system transient stability studies using individual phase and sequence voltages: S. RAO, GE * 21PESGM2241, Investigating the impact of protection device thresholds on the evolution of cascading events: P. PAPADOPOULOS, University of Strathclyde

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29 Jul 2021

Recent major blackout reports have emphasized that protection systems are a critical reliability infrastructure in modern power systems, and that overly conservative relay settings have contributed to unnecessary tripping. Therefore, the need of enhancing the models of protective relays in simulation tools is a worth continuing effort. A PSRCC WG paper reviewed software relay models and divided them into two categories - phasor models and transient models. The phasor models correspond to the relay models largely used in fundamental frequency steady-state software packages. Whereas, the transient models correspond to the relay models that consider voltage/current waveforms, such as those performed on electromagnetic transient programs. Recent efforts to comply with a NERC Standard, give emphasis to the importance of combining RMS dynamic simulation and protection system modeling for severe faults, such as those in analysis of cascading failure risks, delayed fault clearing and stuck circuit breakers. The panel will focus on the integration of relay models with either positive-sequence or three-phase RMS dynamic simulation tools for the assessment of special protection schemes and the impact of extreme events.

Glauco Taranto, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Bruno Leonardi, EPRI
Sponsor Committees:
Power System Dynamic Performance

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