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Pushing the Frontier of Real-time Synchrophasor Applications and Their Practical Challenges

* 21PESGM2242, Practically Speaking, What is Missing in Phasor Applications?: Z. (. HUANG, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory * 21PESGM2243, Control Device Performance Monitoring using PMU Data: J. CHOW, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute * 21PESGM2244, New Synchrophasor Applications “ Opportunities and Challenges: X. LUO, ISO New England Inc * 21PESGM2245, PMU Limitations in Monitoring Fast Dynamics in Low Inertia Systems: H. HOOSHYAR, Electric Power Research Institute

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28 Jul 2021

Synchrophasor measurements provide a more granular view of the power system behavior, specifically making the electromechanical dynamics visible. Over the past decade, synchrophasor applications have bloomed thanks to the mass PMU installation worldwide. Many applications have achieved success in facilitating real-time situational awareness or post-event analysis, including oscillation detection & source location, power plant model validation, phasor-only & hybrid state estimation, event detection & visualization, etc. While the industry is perfecting the existing applications, some researchers are already looking ahead and finding new uses for the synchrophasor data. This panel will introduce several of them and hope to serve as a cue to a wider discussion. In the meantime, industry is also facing challenges in implementing the applications due to various measurement and device challenges, including PMU accuracy class choices, instrument transformer range settings, dynamic response, etc. This panel will also discuss the challenges in practical implementations.

Qiang Zhang, ISO New England, Mahendra Patel, EPRI
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Power System Dynamic Performance

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