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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 99
Panel 19 Jul 2022

There are several plans for interconnected power grids using high-voltage direct current (HVdc) transmission networks. As we explore multiple scenarios of using HVdc to interconnect power grids, integrate renewables, share resources across asynchronous interconnections and in different time zones, among others, it would be valuable to understand the different value propositions considered for utilizing HVdc systems. It would also help to understand the recent advances in HVdc technologies (including advanced control systems, protection systems, among others) and different technical values identified from HVdc technologies. Finally, the session will also identify the gaps (like in breakers, voltage-source converters, among others) that will need to be addressed to enable further presence of HVdc technologies in the power grid.

Suman Debnath
Primary Committee:

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