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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 108
Panel 17 Jul 2023

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a sustainable clean energy alternative to internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs). When EV penetration rates are high, the addition of EVs to the existing distribution grid has an influence on stability and power quality. In the future years, EVs will play a vital role in the energy and transportation sector due to their eco-friendliness and capacity to absorb surplus power from renewable energy sources. Consequently, the effect of adding EV load to the current distribution network must be evaluated using many parameters, including grid impact with different EV chargers, the mobility of EV load, power quality, voltage profile, and load curve profile. This panel will discuss the challenges and solutions for future EV grid integration. Presentations in this panel session: - Are distribution power grid infrastructure ready for the proliferation of the EVs (23PESGM3915) - Managing EVs in Urban and Rural Grids: An Australian Case Study (23PESGM3928) - Addressing EV Grid Integration Challenges: Modeling, Analysis, and Hardware Development (23PESGM3929) - Accelerate Transportation Electrification with Advanced Optimization and Machine Learning Algorithms (23PESGM4153)

Junbo Zhao
Primary Committee:
Renewable Systems Integration (RSICC)
Sponsor Committees:
Renewables Systems Integration Coordinating

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  • PES
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