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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 62
Panel 18 Jul 2023

The session discusses the application of energy storage for reliability and resilience applications. Even though it has been well established that energy storage can be deployed to improve grid reliability and resilience, there still exists significant challenges in modeling, identifying appropriate metrics, integrating, and deploying storage systems for these applications. This panel will discuss emerging technical challenges, recent developments, and the road ahead for participation of energy storage for enhancing grid reliability and resilience. The information provided in this panel will benefit not only the industry but also other key stake holders such as policy makers, project developers and researchers in this area. Presentations in this panel session: - Storage, what is it good for? Absolutely everything! ( 23PESGM4411) - Dispatch-aware Optimal Planning of Active Distribution Networks including Energy Storage Systems (23PESGM2848) - Developing Multi-Dimensional ELCC Surfaces to Capture Synergies Among Batteries and Renewables (23PESGM2849)

Atri Bera, Joydeep Mitra
Primary Committee:
Energy Storage & Stationary Battery (ESSB)