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Evaluation of Voltage Stability Assessment Methodologies in Transmission Systems

C. Vournas, T. Van Cutsem, M. Younis, K. Vance, A. Del Rosso, A. Srivastava, A. Kumar Bharati, V. Ajjarapu, T. Van Cutsem, C. Vournas

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    Pages/Slides: 85
Panel 18 Jul 2023

Voltage stability concerns with the ability of an electrical power system to maintain acceptable voltage levels at all buses, whenever a disturbance occurs. To date, the definition and the classification of the types of study of voltage stability have not changed. Several reports on voltage stability have been published in the last decades by CIGRE and IEEE, e.g. CIGRE Technical Brochures 91, 128, 231, and 504, and IEEE Technical Report 90TH0358-2) and a more recent one on the contribution of distributed energy resources to system stability (IEEE Technical Report PES -TR22). These valuable references cover the fundamentals of available indices, analysis methods, and industry experience on voltage stability assessment in conventional systems dominated by synchronous generators. Nevertheless, due to the transition towards power systems dominated by power electronics interfaced devices (which are massively applied in new technologies of renewable generation, storage, compensation, responsive demand), the way voltage stability is assessed, and the circumstances under which it occurs require a revision. This panel, organized by the CIGRE JWG C4/C2.58/IEEE Evaluation of Voltage Stability Assessment Methodologies in Transmission Systems, overviews a comprehensive reassessment on the theory and applicability of stablished and emerging methods from academic and industry perspectives. Presentations in this panel session: - Definitions and classification of voltage stability (23PESGM2715) - Impact of converter integrated generation on voltage stability (23PESGM2716) - Voltage stability assessment ñ Current industry practice (23PESGM2717) - Voltage stability assessment methods ñ adequacy of existing methods (23PESGM2718) - Role of T&D Interactions on Voltage Stability Under High Penetration of DERs (23PESGM2719) - Contribution of active distribution networks to voltage instability control (23PESGM2720)

JosÈ Rueda, Udaya Annakkage
Primary Committee:
Power Systems Dynamic Performance (PSDP)

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