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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 16
Panel 19 Jul 2023

This session will feature advances in standards and best practices for grid energy storage technologies and their applications. Topics presented and discussed will include: ES Standards Development - featuring examples of leveraging ëindustryí resources and communities to meet urgent ES Standards development needs. ES Interoperability - featuring IEEE project P2688 to create an ES Energy Management standard (RP). P2688 covers the design and implementation of ESMS software functions and hardware capabilities needed to address the requirements for operating ES in both supply-side and demand-side grid applications. Data acquisition, communications, safety and security will be among the issues discussed. ES Interconnection - featuring concept of applying existing Interconnection Standards for Grid Energy Storage, versus creating new stand-alone standards. With completion of the IEEE 1547.9-2022 ëmayí Guide for applying 1547 to ES-DER, ES-specific elements will be considered for elevation into the revision of the main IEEE 1547-2018 ëshallí Standard. Elevation of key requirements for ES into the main Standard streamlines ultimate implementation by Authorities Having Jurisdiction. ES Technology Development - featuring an example of electrochemical alternatives for Lithium in grid tied ESS Presentations in this panel session: - Energy Storage Interoperability Insights: IEEE P2688 (23PESGM4297)

Charlie Vartanian
Primary Committee:
Energy Storage & Stationary Battery (ESSB)

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