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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 39
Panel 19 Jul 2023

The joint IEEE/NERC Security Integration report highlighted various aspects where security integration can be enabled in the electrical industry: threats, design, planning, operations, and emerging tech. This panel serves to highlight the published reportís key findings and emphasize how industry is adopting the findings of the report. The panel will provide the high-level as well as the specific work going on in the electric industry to integrate security concepts throughout our common procedures. Presentations in this panel session: - Design & Ops - CIE / CCE (23PESGM3956) - Cyber-Informed Transmission Planning (23PESGM4404) - IEEE Perspective Regarding TR105 (23PESGM4405)

Craig Preuss, Dan Goodlett
Primary Committee:
Power System Communications & Cybersecurity (PSCC)