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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 62
Panel 19 Jul 2023

The panel will focus on the effective ways of improving energy efficiency, including technologies, policies and motivations. The latest technologies in industry, business and home consumption appliances are to be explored. Both Inclusion and diversity in technical strategy is necessary. There is evaluation of multiple policies on promoting energy efficiency including standard and carbon pricing strategies. The motivation of individuals and businesses on energy efficiency could come from the financial rewards, increased opportunities of business and public recognition. Women have advantage in this field, for making more incentive policy measures, to reduce energy consumption. The panel aims to empower women in energy field and promote greater gender equity and inclusion in the field of energy efficiency. Presentations in this panel session: - Fireside Chat (23PESGM4391) - The Sub-metered HVAC Implemented For Demand Response (SHIFDR) Dataset (23PESGM4284) - Energy Efficiency for the Customer and the Grid (23PESGM4392)

Ruomei Li
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