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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 24
Panel 20 Jul 2023

With the increasing penetration of DERs and responsive loads, the development of a reliable and resilient power distribution system has become one of the main research topics. However, the stochastic nature of these new active resources along with the insufficient sensing, communication, and management capabilities of existing legacy distribution systems bring serious challenges for their planning, monitoring, operation, and control. Current power distribution systems have very limited visibility beyond the HV/MV substations and the primary feeders. This panel aims to discuss thoroughly the challenges and potential ways of using all types of data for more accurate distribution system state estimation (DSSE). Practical experiences on data driven DSSE implementations will be shared. Presentations in this panel session: - Non-traditional use of field data in DSSE (23PESGM0759)

Junbo Zhao
Primary Committee:
Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS)
Sponsor Committees:
Distribution System Analysis