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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 46
Panel 20 Jul 2023

Real-world operations reported challenging issues of inverter-based resources (IBR): sustained oscillations. AEMO is currently investigating 17-19 Hz oscillations in west Murray region. Hawaii electric observed 19-Hz oscillations associated with solar farms. South California Edison, TVA have reported multiple solar PV oscillation events with frequency less than 1 Hz. Scotland experienced 8-Hz oscillations. The event is currently under investigation. In turn, the grid industry has organized various working groups to summarize lessons learned and write guidelines. This panel will give a summary on most recent IBR oscillation events and various working group activities. The speakers will describe the real-world events in Australia, Korea, Hawaii, UK, and South California. The panel will then summarize the lessons learned and draw remarks on how to locate oscillation sources, what is the root cause of various oscillations, and what are the efficient study methods. Presentations in this panel session: - Massive Wildfires in Korean Eastern Area and Sub Synchronous Oscillation Events (23PESGM2803) - SSO Events & Learnings (23PESGM2804)

Yunzhi Cheng, Lingling Fan
Primary Committee:
Analytic Methods for Power Systems (AMPS)
Sponsor Committees:
Transient Analysis and Simulation

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