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Do future power and energy systems require a rethink of power engineering education?

G. Verbi?, N. Hatziargyriou, P. Kotsampopoulos, A. Chronis, S. Kamalasadan, T. Saha, Dr. R. Yan, Y. Li, N. Mohan, S. Guggilam, A. Monti

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 105
Panel 20 Jul 2023

The panel session will discuss the future of power engineering education in light of the recent technological developments, including the increasing penetration of distributed energy resources and variable inverter-based resources, big data, artificial intelligence, and information and communication technologies. The panel is particularly interested in discussing the following questions: 1. How should power engineering education change in response to the technological changes in the electric power industry? 2. Which new topics should we include in the core power engineering units (if any)? 3. Are any of the existing core subjects becoming less relevant? 4. Which new topics should we include in elective units (if any)? 5. Should relevant skills that are covered in other degrees (e.g. data science, AI, ML, optimisation) be offered as power engineering units, or should they be left to students to decide if they want to do them in a combined degree/major or a minor within a PE degree? 6. What options are available at different universities? Presentations in this panel session: - 23PESGM0943-Do future power and energy systems require a rethink of power engineering education? - 23PESGM4339-Navigating the digital energy transition: Emerging skill needs and educational tools - 23PESGM4342-Power and Energy Education: Challenges, Opportunities and Advances - 23PESGM4343-University of Queensland (UQ) power engineering education in light of the recent technological developments - 23PESGM4345 - Digital Transformation of Power&Energy Engineering Education A Practical Case - 23PESGM4349 - Building A Robust Workforce in Electric Power Engineering by Democratizing Technical Education - 23PESGM4359 - Education for Digital Energy: Transforming the Master for the Energy System

Gregor Verbi?
Primary Committee:
Power & Energy Education (PEEC)

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