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Speeding up dynamic security assessment

J. Tong, L. Hoang, N. Militello, C. Callaghan, Y. Chen, N. Furtaw

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 28
Panel 20 Jul 2023

The continuously growing number of inverter-based sources in combination with the decommissioning of conventional bulk power plants e.g. in Europe increases the need and necessity of dynamic security assessment (DSA). While in the past system operation mainly relied on steady-state contingency analysis, nowadays the border between safe and unsafe system states is more and more defined by system dynamics. Therefore, system operators need tools, which can quickly deliver reliable DSA results within a short period of time. This panel therefore presents new approaches and innovative ideas to speed up DSA with a special focus on system operation. It therefore brings together experts from system operators, industry and academia to discuss current challenges and promising solutions for this highly relevant topic. Presentations in this panel session: - US industry perspective on DSA (23PESGM3982)

Martin Wolter, Zhenyu (Henry) Huang
Primary Committee:
Power Systems Dynamic Performance (PSDP)