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Simulating Transients and Dynamics of Distribution Systems with High Penetration of Inverter-based Resources

Wei Du, Zhe Chen, Udoka Nwaneto, Roshan Sharma, Xiaonan Lu, Francis K. Tuffner, Xue Yaosuo

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 51
Panel 12 Sep 2024

The distribution system is experiencing a significant change with the massive increase of grid-following and grid-forming, inverter-based distributed energy resources (DERs) in recent years. This brings challenges to the modeling and simulation of such complex, large-scale distribution systems. This panel gathers domain experts from national labs, inverter manufacturers, utilities, and government agencies to discuss the challenges and potential solutions of modeling the transient and dynamic behaviors of large-scale, resilient distribution systems with high penetration of inverters. First, physics-based and data-driven approaches such as white-, black-, and gray-box modeling that aim to address the challenges of inverter modeling under different situations will be presented. Second, an integrated electromagnetic transient and three-phase phasor co-simulation platform developed based on GridLAB-D that aims to simulate large-scale distribution systems with potentially thousands of inverters will be introduced. Third, real-world transient and dynamic events of distribution feeders with high penetration of inverters captured by micro-phasor-measurement-units (μPMUs) and power quality meters will be shared and discussed. Finally, panel discussions and interactions with the audience will also be included in this special session.

Wei Du, Francis K. Tuffner
Primary Committee:
(AMPS) Distribution System Analysis