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Late Breaking news: Weather-aware Grid Operation

Mark Lauby, Dean Sharafi, Guillermo Bautista Alderete, Aftab Khan

  • PES
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    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 147
Panel 12 Sep 2024

Weather has always impacted power grid operation, in terms of load, generation, transmission and distribution facilities. Extreme weather has been the main cause of power outages. With climate change, we are experiencing more frequent and more severe extreme weather, such as storms, extreme cold and extreme heat. On the other front, with energy de-carbonization, significant amount of weather dependent renewable resources, such as wind and solar, have been penetrating in the grid and becoming the dominant resource types. Therefore, grid operation is now more relying on weather information than decade ago, be it winter storm, heat wave, solar eclipse, to plan and prepare system correspondingly, maintaining grid reliability and ensuring grid resilience. At this panel, industry experts will share their experiences and challenges from aspects of operation, planning and markets.

Hong Chen
Primary Committee:
Super Session

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