IEEE Members: $10.00
Non-members: $20.00Pages/Slides: 28
Conventional power systems are undergoing major changes due to integration of advanced communication, computing, and power electronics to change the power system from a static infrastructure to a dynamic infrastructure with proactive delivery management. Migrating to smart grid serves an important role in facilitating energy efficiency programs and the integration of renewable and distributed generation (DG). Integration of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) concepts with power systems is currently one of the most active and dynamic topic in the emerging field of power and energy systems for their migration to smart grid. New systems and tools are needed for the next generation power and energy systems, which are expected to have large penetration of renewal resources both at the bulk and distributed level, and high penetration of electric vehicles. The presentations will discuss the challenges and opportunities to prepare a roadmap for integration of CPS research into power systems.
A. Pahwa, Kansas State University, R. Baheti, National Science Foundation
Primary Committee:
Power & Energy Education Committee