IEEE Members: $10.00
Non-members: $20.00Pages/Slides: 60
The successful integration of large scale wind energy depends on various aspects and impacts the elec- tricity system in various ways, as will be shown by examples from several European countries. The ses- sion will answer questions like: How to setup an integration study for my system? ? Guidance is given based on international experience; What is the impact on dynamic stability? Which requirements are posed on offshore wind farm control systems? ? To be answered for one of the world?s most challenging systems: The Irish Island system and a unique Danish-German combined offshore project: How is system operation influenced by wind power curtailment? Spanish answer will be provided; What is a suitable market design answering challenges ranging from flexibility needs to capacity shortages.
Are support schemes the answer or part of the problem? Can wind power provide flexibility and which operational strategies are to be applied offshore?
A. Orths, Energinet.dk, K. Rudion, Otto-von-Guericke University
Primary Committee:
Energy Development and Power Generation