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  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 98
05 Aug 2013

A system model is a mathematical description that is aimed at explaining the system and predicting its behavior. Models in power engineering can take many forms and depend on the application. Computer-based simulation refers to the running of a program that contains the system model. The excellence of a model depends on the quality of its mathematical description, while its applicability depends on the capabilities of the tool in which it has been implemented. The excellence of a computer tool depends of both hardware and software used involved in its implementation. Both models and tools are generally interconnected. This panel session covers many of the most important topics related to modeling and simulation of electric power systems. Presentations will deal with modeling of conventional and new power components, new developments in solution techniques, simulation tools, portability of models between different tools, and some traditional and new power system studies.

J. Martinez
Sponsor Committees:
Transmission and Distribution Committee, Power System Analysis Computing and Economics Committee

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