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Lightweight Non-Local Network For Image Super-Resolution

Risheng Wang, Tao Lei, Wenzheng Zhou, Qi Wang, Hongying Meng, Asoke K. Nandi

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    Length: 00:09:08
08 Jun 2021

The popular deep convolutional networks used for image super-resolution (SR) reconstruction often increase the network depth and employ attention mechanism to improve image reconstruction effect. However, these networks suffer from two problems. The first is the deeper network easily causes higher computational cost and more GPU memory usage. The second is traditional attention mechanism often misses the spatial information of images leading the loss of image detail information. To address these issues, we propose a lightweight non-local network (LNLN) for image super resolution in this paper. The proposed network makes two contributions. First, we use non-local module instead of normal attention module to obtain larger receptive field and extract more comprehensive feature information, which is helpful for improving image SR reconstruction results. Secondly, we use the depthwise separable convolution (DSC) instead of the vanilla convolution to reconstruct the residual block, which greatly reduces the number of parameters and computational cost. The proposed LNLN and comparative networks are evaluated on five commonly public datasets, and experiments demonstrate that the proposed LNLN is superior to state-of-the-art networks in terms of reconstruction performance, the number of parameters and storage space.

C.-C. Jay Kuo

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