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  • SPS
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    Length: 00:14:25
10 May 2022

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) achieve remarkable performance in a wide range of fields. However, intensive memory access of activations introduces considerable energy consumption, impeding deployment of CNNs on resource-constrained edge devices. Existing works in activation compression propose to transform feature maps for higher compressibility, thus enabling dimension reduction. Nevertheless, in the case of aggressive dimension reduction, these methods lead to severe accuracy drop. To improve the trade-off between classification accuracy and compression ratio, we propose a compression-aware projection system, which employs a learnable projection to compensate for the reconstruction loss. In addition, a greedy selection metric is introduced to optimize the layer-wise compression ratio allocation by considering both accuracy and #bits reduction simultaneously. Our test results show that the proposed methods effectively reduce 2.91?~5.97? memory access with negligible accuracy drop on MobileNetV2/ResNet18/VGG16.

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