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Ladislav Mo?ner, Old?ich Plchot, Luk�? Burget, Jan ?ernock?

  • SPS
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    Length: 00:14:11
12 May 2022

We focus on the problem of speaker recognition in far-field multi-channel data. The main contribution is introducing an alternative way of predicting spatial covariance matrices (SCMs) for a beamformer from the time domain signal. We propose to use Conv-TasNet, a well-known source separation model, and we adapt it to perform speech enhancement by forcing it to separate speech and additive noise. We experiment with using the STFT of Conv-TasNet outputs to obtain SCMs of speech and noise, and finally, we fine-tune this multi-channel frontend w.r.t. speaker verification objective. We successfully tackle the problem of the lack of a realistic multi-channel training set by using simulated data of MultiSV corpus. The analysis is performed on its retransmitted and simulated test parts. We achieve consistent improvements with a 2.7 times smaller model than the baseline based on a scheme with mask estimating NN.

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  • SPS
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  • SPS
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  • SPS
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