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  • SPS
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    Length: 00:07:43
12 May 2022

The task of phone-to-audio alignment has many applications in speech research. Here we introduce two Wav2Vec2-based models for both text-dependent and text-independent phone-to-audio alignment. The proposed Wav2Vec2-FS, a semi-supervised model, directly learns phone-to-audio alignment through contrastive learning and a forward sum loss, and can be coupled with a pretrained phone recognizer to achieve text-independent alignment. The other model, Wav2Vec2-FC, is a frame classification model trained on forced aligned labels that can both perform forced alignment and text-independent segmentation. Evaluation results suggest that both proposed methods, even when transcriptions are not available, generate highly close results to existing forced alignment tools. Our work presents a neural pipeline of fully automated phone-to-audio alignment. Code and pretrained models are available at