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HAG: Hierarchical Attention with Graph Network for Dialogue Act Classification in Conversation

Changzeng Fu (Osaka University); Zhenghan Chen (Peking University); Jiaqi Shi (Osaka University; RIKEN); Bowen Wu (Osaka Univeristy); Chaoran Liu (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International); Carlos Toshinori Ishi (Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International); Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka University)

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09 Jun 2023

The prediction of Japanese dialogue acts (DA) labels requires context- and speaker-aware semantic comprehension. In this study, we proposed a hierarchical attention with the graph neural network (HAG) to consider the contextual interconnections and the semantics carried by the sentence itself. Concretely, the model use long-short term memory networks (LSTMs) to perform a context-aware encoding within a dialogue window. Then, we construct the context graph by aggregating the neighboring utterances. Subsequently, a speaker feature transformation is executed with a graph attention network (GAT) to calculate the interconnections, while a context-level feature selection is performed with a gated graph convolutional network (GatedGCN) to select the salient utterances that contribute to the DA classification. Finally, we merge the representations of different levels and conduct a classification with two dense layers. The experimental results show that our method outperforms the baselines.