High-Dynamic Range ADC for Finite-Rate-of-Innovation Signals
Satish Mulleti (Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India); Yonina Eldar ()
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Modulo folding can be used to sample high-dynamic range signals without increasing the dynamic range of the sampler. Specifically, folding is used prior to sampling and then the folded signal is sampled. After sampling, unfolding algorithms are used to compute the true samples (up to a constant factor) from the folded ones. In this work, we consider a modulo sampling framework for finite rate of innovation (FRI) signals which are used to model signals in time of flight imaging. We suggest compactly supported sum-of-sincs filter as a sampling kernel prior to modulo folding and sampling. We derive conditions on the sampling rate and filter coefficients which lead to unfolding of the samples up to an unknown constant. We then propose a modified annihilating filter approach that can uniquely determine the FRI parameters from the unfolded samples with a constant unknown offset. We show that the proposed framework outperforms existing techniques in the presence of noise.