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  • CAS
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: Free
    Non-members: Free
    Length: 00:59:29
07 Dec 2023

Abstract: The next generation of autonomous vehicles, with form factors ranging from tiny palm-sized drones to full-sized cars pushes signal processing and machine learning aggressively towards the edge, near sensors and actuators, with strong energy-efficiency, safety and security requirements, while at the same time raising the bar in terms of flexibility and performance. In the talk, I will describe our experience in leveraging the Open RISC-V ISA and open hardware approaches to innovate across the board and pave the way for an open embedded computing platform for autonomous vehicles. Biography: Luca Benini holds the chair of digital Circuits and systems at ETHZ and is Full Professor at the Universita di Bologna. He received a PhD from Stanford University. Dr. Benini’s research interests are in energy-​efficient parallel computing systems, smart sensing micro-​systems and machine learning hardware. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, of the ACM and a member of the Academia Europaea. He is the recipient of the 2016 IEEE CAS Mac Van Valkenburg award, the 2020 EDAA achievement Award, the 2020 ACM/IEEE A. Richard Newton Award and the 2023 IEEE CS E.J. McCluskey Award.