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Ahmed Shaffie, Ahmed Soliman, Hadil Abu Khalifeh, Mohammed Ghazal, Fatma Taher, Adel Elmaghraby, Robert Keynton, Ayman El-Baz

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    Length: 11:07
28 Oct 2020

A precise computerized lung nodule diagnosis framework is very important for helping radiologists to diagnose lung nodules at an early stage. In this manuscript, a novel system for pulmonary nodule diagnosis, utilizing features extracted from single computed tomography (CT) scans, is proposed. This system combines robust descriptors for both texture and contour features to give a prediction of the nodule’s growth rate, which is the standard clinical information for pulmonary nodules diagnosis. Spherical Sector Isosurfaces Histogram of Oriented Gradient is developed to describe the nodule’s texture,taking spatial information into account. A Multi-views Peripheral Sum Curvature Scale Space is used to demonstrate the nodule’s contour complexity. Finally, the two modeled features are augmented together utilizing a deep neural network to diagnose the nodules malignancy. For the validation purpose, the proposed system utilized 727 nodules from the Lung Image Database Consortium. The proposed system classification accuracy was 94.50%

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