Combination of handcrafted and deep learning-based features for 3D mesh quality assessment
Ilyass Abouelaziz, Aladine Chetouani, Mohamed El Hassouni, Longin Jan Latecki, Hocine Cherifi
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We propose in this paper a novel objective method to evaluate the perceived visual quality of 3D meshes. The proposed method in no-reference, it relies only on the distorted mesh for the quality estimation. It is based on a pre-trained convolutional neural network (i.e VGG to extract features from the distorted mesh) and handcrafted features extracted directly from the 3D mesh (i.e curvature and dihedral angle). A General Regression Neural Network (GRNN) is used to learn the statistical parameters of the feature vectors and estimate the quality score. Experimental results from for subjective databases (LIRIS masking , LIRIS/EPFL general-purpose , UWB compression and LEETA simplification ) and comparisons with objective metrics cited in the state-of-the-art demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed metric in terms of the correlation to the mean opinion scores across these databases.