Does Physical interpretability of Observation Map Improve Photometric Stereo Networks?
Satoshi Ikehata
IEEE Members: $11.00
Non-members: $15.00Length: 00:13:23
in this article, MinConvNets where the multiplications in the forward propagation path of CNNs are approximated by minimum comparator operations are introduced. Hardware complexity of min- imum operator is of the order of O(N ), whereas for multiplication it is O(N 2 ). Firstly, a methodology to find approximate operations based on statistical correlation is presented. We show that it is pos- sible to replace multipliers by minimum operations in the forward propagation under certain constraints, i.e. given similar mean and variances of the feature and the weight vectors. A modified training method which guarantees the above constraints is proposed. and it is shown that equivalent precision can be achieved during infer- ence with MinConvNets by using transfer learning from well trained exact CNNs.