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Seunghoon Lee, Suhwan Cho, Dogyoon Lee, Minhyeok Lee, Sangyoun Lee

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Poster 09 Oct 2023

Unsupervised Video Object Segmentation (UVOS) refers to the challenging task of segmenting the prominent object in videos without manual guidance. In recent works, two approaches for UVOS have been discussed that can be divided into: appearance and appearance-motion-based methods, which have limitations respectively. Appearance-based methods do not consider the motion of the target object due to exploiting the correlation information between randomly paired frames. Appearance-motion-based methods have the limitation that the dependency on optical flow is dominant due to fusing the appearance with motion. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for UVOS that can address the aforementioned limitations of the two approaches in terms of both time and scale. Temporal Alignment Fusion aligns the saliency information of adjacent frames with the target frame to leverage the information of adjacent frames. Scale Alignment Decoder predicts the target object mask by aggregating multi-scale feature maps via continuous mapping with implicit neural representation. We present experimental results on public benchmark datasets, DAVIS 2016 and FBMS, which demonstrate the effectiveness of our method. Furthermore, we outperform the state-of-the-art methods on DAVIS 2016.

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  • SPS
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