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  • PES
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    Pages/Slides: 139
Tutorial 12 Mar 2023

The mass deployment of distributed energy resources (DERs) is creating a paradigm shift of the way energy is produced, traded, distributed, and utilized. Although such shift is unparalleled, it is accompanied with serious accommodation challenges in existing outdating/aging power distribution systems infrastructure. Thanks to Distribution Automation, one of the smart grid pillars, that offers new digital technologies to be integrated within existing utility grids to substantially improve the overall efficiency, reliability, and interoperability of the network as well as facilitating seamless accommodation of DERs.

This tutorial focuses on the transformation of existing power distribution systems from their conventional structure with unidirectional power flow towards automated distribution grids integrated with distributed energy resources (DERs). The goal of this tutorial is to provide a practical understanding of the technical challenges that power utilities currently face to accommodate DERs in their distribution networks, and the most recent interconnection requirement standards of DERs. The tutorial also provides participants with the required knowledge to understand, assess, and analyze the technical needs of adopting Distribution Automation technologies to mitigate such technical challenges and enhance the operation and reliability of power distribution systems.

After viewing this Smart Grid Distribution Automation tutorial, participants should be able to: :
o Identify several technical integration challenges for DERs in existing power distribution systems
o Understand the most recent IEEE 1547 standard for interconnection requirements of DERs
o Assess the key features of power conversion systems (PCS) offered by industry to meet the interconnection standards for DERs
o Be familiar with applications of smart grid distribution automations such as volt/var control, demand response, outage management, and fault detection, isolation, and load restoration (FDIR).