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  • PES
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    IEEE Members: $10.00
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    Pages/Slides: 125
Tutorial 12 Mar 2023

Emerging renewable-rich power systems are facing a technological shift due to the massive integration of inverter-based technologies and its consequent phase-out of synchronous machines, which could potentially threaten system frequency stability/resilience, associated with varying low-inertia conditions and inadequate frequency control ancillary services, and voltage stability/control, associated with low system strength and weak grid areas. This tutorial aims to fundamentally discuss how the mention technological revolution is changing the dynamics and characteristics of power systems and brings some new dynamic phenomena and stability challenges in system operation. We will discuss the root causes and manifestations of potential system instability phenomena under weak and low-inertia conditions as well as the associated system dynamic assessments required to capture these new class of system instabilities. We will then discuss how inverter-based technologies, in particular battery energy storage systems and hydrogen electrolysers, could contribute to secure and resilient system operation, as well as the potential challenges and requirements. The modelling foundations for these inverter-based technologies will be presented. In this context, we will also discuss several real-life examples and events to highlight the potential capabilities of inverter-based technologies in system stability and resilience support.

Target audience:
Graduate students, PhD students, relevant industry professionals

Power system analysis and control

Learning Objectives:
o Develop ability for in-depth technical competence in the dynamics of emerging renewable-rich power systems, in particular the underlying physics of system strength, its contributing factors, and the relevant system-level and device-level issues
o Develop the dynamic models of inverter-based technologies, including battery energy storage systems and hydrogen electrolysers, for system-level studies
o Simulate and study the dynamic behaviour of utility-scale battery storage systems and their capabilities in providing system support services, including virtual inertia response, fast frequency response, frequency regulation, grid-forming services, reactive power support, and voltage control
o Simulate and study the dynamic behaviour of electrolysis plants and their capabilities in providing system support services, including virtual inertia response, fast frequency response, frequency regulation, gridforming services, reactive power support, and voltage control
o Learn more about the recent real-life developments in utility-scale battery energy storage systems and hydrogen electrolysers

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