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Panel Session: Blockchain in Energy as a Venue for Electricity Grid Modernization (slides)

D. Jonathan Sebastian-Cardenas, S. Chandler, J. Kempf, F. Rahimi, C. Gorog

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $10.00
    Non-members: $20.00
    Pages/Slides: 91
Panel 25 Apr 2022

As one of the emerging digitalization technologies Blockchain Technology helps to decarbonize and democratize the power grid by creating additional use cases and markets for the solar power dominated Peer to Peer energy trading (P2P energy trading). Even though the most popular Blockchain in Energy related use cases are clustered around P2P energy trading, other promising energy use cases and implementations are also eligible for the Blockchain technology in power domain. This workshop will give an overview of the key technologies, use cases, initiatives, recent advances, task forces and standards being developed by the IEEE, industry, academia, and policy makers to advance the emerging field of Blockchain in Transactive Energy, focused on electric power and power grid modernization. Workshop topics include, among others, blockchain-based transactive energy systems, utility blockchain applications, interoperability, blockchain for enhanced cybersecurity, field implementations: industrial,academic, markets and policy practices. This panel accommodate three industrial and one academic sub-topic:
o Cybersecurity aspects of DLT-enabled transactive energy system,
o Interoperability aspects of DLT-enabled transactive energy systems,
o Blockchain enabled transactive energy systems and their use cases,
o Recent Advances in IEEE Blockchain Enabled Transactive Energy Initiative
o Use of blockchain to facilitate data sharing and/or detecting and isolating of untrusted devices in a smart grid.
This panel session is designed as a joint and collaborative event between P2418.5 - Standard for Blockchain (TC) on Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT).

Umit Cali, Claudio Lima