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  • IES
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    Length: 01:20:28
18 Jun 2024

Condition monitoring of electric motors has gained an increasing attention in industry over recent years. Its advantages versus the monitoring of other quantities (non-invasive nature, remote monitoring of the motor condition, simplicity, broad fault coverage…) makes it a very interesting option in predictive maintenance programs of industrial electric motors. In this context, over recent years, recent technologies relying on the analysis of different electrical quantities (currents, fluxes) under transient operation of the motor have been proposed. These modern technologies significantly improve the performance of the classical methods and open new paths for the research in the area. This tutorial is intended to explain the foundations of these new technologies based on transient analysis of electrical quantities, emphasizing their advantages versus the classical methods (such as MCSA). Different case stories referred to industrial motors of different typologies in which these new technologies have yielded successful results will be presented. Also, basic tools for the application of transient analysis methods will be explained.

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