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Synchrophasor Monitoring Applications in IBR-rich Distribution Grids

Damir Novosel, Farnoosh Rahmatian, Zhaoyu Wang, Marianna Vaiman, Ruoxi Zhu

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $25.00
    Non-members: $40.00
    Pages/Slides: 59
Panel 08 May 2024

With increasing penetration of inverter-based resources (IBR), it is important to monitor, model, and analyze distribution grids. A synchrophasor is a time-synchronized measurement of power systems. Core benefits of synchrophasor data, when compared to conventional SCADA measurements, are their higher reporting rate, their GPS synchronized values and phase angle measurements. These unique advantages allow utilities to observe and record transients and dynamics in distribution grids, which is essential to assess IBR’s impacts and improve system reliability and efficiency. This panel includes experts from academia, national labs, consulting firms, and utility companies. The panel will demonstrate the usefulness of synchropahsor monitoring in distribution grids, such event detection, IBR characterization and control, and distribution grid modeling. The panel will also share field implementation experience of synchropahsor monitoring.

Zhaoyu Wang
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