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TESC 2019 - Business Models & Value Realization

N. Abdullah, M. Knight, L. Kiesling, S. McCafferty

  • PES
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 01:20:20
09 Jul 2019

This .mp3 file contains audio from:
Establishing the Value of DER to the Grid - This presentation focuses on a method is proposed to compute the Locational Marginal Value (LMV) of DER active (kW) and reactive (kVar) power contribution to the grid in terms of avoided cost as a Non-Wires Alternative.

Economic, Reliability and Resilience Considerations for TE Systems - This presentation discusses factors to consider for deployment of Transactive Energy Systems (TES) with a view to the values TE can create under varying grid conditions.

From Airbnb to Solar: Toward a Transaction cost model of a Retail Electricity Dist Platform - Here we propose a two-stage transaction cost model to represent the effects of transaction cost-reducing innovation on two aspects of such transactions: gains from trade in sharing, and the margin that divides renters from owners. We analyze the equilibrium comparative statics of the model to derive observable predictions, and find that the rental market option makes the opportunity cost of excess capacity salient.

Distribution System Operator Models for Utility Stakeholders - DSO Organizational Models for a Digital| Distributed Modern Grid - The result of having wholesale markets and creating a competitive landscape has had numerous benefits, including lower energy costs to end consumers and more reliable energy delivery. But, the other, equally important effect is the innovation that has occurred due to having a market in which to compete. The results have manifested as more efficient and cleaner power plants, new software applications, better control systems, and new optimization solutions.

Farrokh Rahimi

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