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  • SPS
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    Pages/Slides: 34
04 May 2020

The emergence of advanced imaging display technologies, either existing or highly anticipated, has motivated new ways to contemplate the production and service delivery of media in order to enable new and immersive user experiences. Whether it be VR gaming, telepresence, spatial computing, lean-back viewing, or experiencing the reality of a futuristic holodeck scene, the applications facilitated by emerging advanced-imaging displays have begun to test the limits of existing 2D video workflows and formats. Moreover, historically, the minimal “must haves” for any new display to succeed in the marketplace includes a sufficient number of hours (about 5000) of supporting content, a well adopted distribution format to drive the display, and the accessibility of the display itself to consumers. This presentation summarizes the history of media leading to the emergence of immersive media and displays, and considers the impacts of the emerging ecosystem on media production, standards, and distribution workflows.

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  • SPS
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