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  • SSCS
    Members: Free
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    Length: 01:30:00
01 May 2022

Abstract: Advanced CMOS technology nodes are extremely complex marvels of engineering, offering nanoscale devices and metallization approaching terahertz speeds. In this tutorial, we will consider fundamental transistor and circuit properties such as gain, bandwidth, noise, and distortion. We will discuss how circuit design is impacted by advanced technology parameters and how to model these effects to design robust RF circuits. Biography: Ali M. Niknejad received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. He holds the Donald O. Pederson Distinguished Professorship chair in the EECS department at UC Berkeley and is a faculty co-director of the Berkeley Wireless Research Center (BWRC). He is also the Associate Director of the Center for Converged TeraHertz Communications and Sensing (ComSenTer). Professor Niknejad is the recipient the 2017 IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award, the 2017 Most Frequently Cited Paper Award (2010 to 2016) from the Symposium on Very Large-Scale Integration Circuits, the CICC 2015 Best Invited Paper Award, and the 2012 ASEE Frederick Emmons Terman Award.

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