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  • PES
    Members: $50.00
    IEEE Members: $74.00
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    Pages/Slides: 82
Tutorial 14 Feb 2024

Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) are increasingly being implemented in the distribution system and the grid-edge to speed-up decarbonization and mitigate global warming. Conventional synchronous generator (SG) based systems are being replaced with mixed generation sources and resources such as solar photovoltaic (SPV) and wind energy conversion systems (WECS) at such a rate that a grid-edge without the conventional bulk grid is foreseeable in the next few decades. The increasing prevalence of RES and the integration of communication-supported Inverter-Based Resources (IBRs) is creating new stability, protection, and control issues to arise in addition to becoming a considerable threat surface on cyber-physical systems of microgrids networks and the grid- edge. Fast and advanced monitoring technologies are therefore needed for efficient and reliable operation of distribution grids as well as for microgrids they host. This tutorial will provide a comprehensive review of the emerging concepts, devices, and analytical methods for the monitoring of distribution grids under high renewable energy penetration. Specifically, the following aspects will be covered: At the conclusion of this tutorial students will be familiar with: - Review of detailed architecture and functionalities of distribution system monitoring and the role of the distribution system operator. - Review of measurement devices for distribution system monitoring including the state-of-the-art measurement devices, such as PMU, MU, DDR, smart meter, and smart inverter sensors. The principle and role of phase-locked loops will also be introduced. - Review of centralized state monitoring of distribution grid as well as physics-based and data-driven estimation methods for grid-wise states and model parameters u sing various types of measurements. - Introduction of the role and methodology of dynamic state and parameter estimation for online monitoring of internal operating conditions of Inverter-interfaced Distributed Generation (IIDGs) and their controllers. - Introduction to measurement-based inertia estimation and emulation techniques for various types of IIDGs. - Review of concepts and methodologies for islanding detection and identification. The applications of islanding information on sustainable island formation and generation-load balancing will be discussed. - Review of emerging cyber-physical security monitoring and anomaly detection techniques used in the detection, classification, and localization of physical faults and cyber-attacks in distribution grids and IIDGs.

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  • PES
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