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  • SG Sponsoring Societies
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Pages/Slides: 46
29 Jun 2017

PRC 027, Coordination of Protection Systems for Performance during Faults, is an upcoming NERC compliance standard that will require electric utilities to perform periodic reviews of their Bulk Electric System (BES) relay settings to ensure proper coordination between protection relays, including relays that are applied on tie lines with neighboring utilities. The standard will impose several requirements on utility protection engineering departments (i) establish a process for developing new and revised relay settings, (ii) periodic reviews of evolving short circuit levels and/or protection coordination studies to assess the impact on protection for all BES elements and (iii) establish a process for deploying new settings to the field devices. The webinar will explore the standard's current status and its requirements in detail, along with its impact on utilities. Potential methods for complying with the standard and the implementation timeline will also be discussed.

Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Grid Webinar Series

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