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  • Sponsoring Society
    Members: Free
    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 1:08:15
03 Nov 2016

This webinar aims at providing an overview of the current state of development of Smart Grids (SG) in Latin America (LatAm), and future perspectives for the region. Focus is given to some of the largest power systems in LatAm, which have been attracting a significant parcel of investments in the region: Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Peru. The webinar covers the following topics: (1) Drivers for SG in LatAm: The particular characteristics of Latin American economies and power systems often result in drivers for SG development that differ substantially from these verified in the US or Europe. These drivers will be examined. (2) Technological focus of SG development in LatAm: In light of the discussion on drivers, the SG technologies and solutions typically considered as priorities in the countries will be reviewed, as well as the technological mix that is likely to be in the spotlight in the future. (3) SG investment framework: The agents taking the lead in deployment of SG technologies and solutions will be identified, their business models will be assessed, and the main financing mechanism for SG projects in LatAm will be examined. (4) Regulatory and policy frameworks for SG in LatAm: The regulatory incentives and barriers for deployment of SG technologies and solutions will be assessed, and likely future developments will be discussed.

Primary Committee:
IEEE Smart Grid Webinar Series

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