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  • Sponsoring Society
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    IEEE Members: $11.00
    Non-members: $15.00
    Length: 1:00:00
06 Oct 2022

Virtual Summation Meters in Smart Grids Learning objectives- 1. To understand the concept of virtual energy meters. 2. To understand the concept of virtual summation meters. 3. To understand the significant role of summation meters in smart grids. The summation meters perform summation of consumptions recorded by meters provided at outgoing feeders emanating from bus at substations in smart grids. The convention meters are physical meters. In the advent of Virtual Summation Meters, entire meter data can be visualized on computers. Thus, the utility engineer can monitor this data on his or her laptop or mobile phone from any place in the world. The virtual energy meters are basically IoT enabled meters. The summation of consumptions is performed using Python TensorFlow libraries. The main contents of the proposed webinar are � types of summations meters, comparative advantages of virtual energy meters, basic working of virtual summation meters , measurements using IoT devices, report generation for a specified period.

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