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  • EPS
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    Length: 00:53:36
25 Aug 2020

The webinar addresses an evolving philosophy of accelerated testing in electronic and photonic packaging, and could be viewed as a possible extension and modification of HALT for applications where high level of operational reliability is critical, such as, e.g., aerospace, military, long-haul communications, or medical. Highly-focused and highly cost-effective failure-oriented- accelerated-testing (FOAT) approach is suggested as a suitable experimental basis of the probabilistic design for reliability (PDfR) concept. The PDfR concept is used to assess the product's lifetime and the corresponding never-zero probability of failure in the field for the given product and application and make this probability adequate for the given product and application. The general concepts are illustrated by numerical examples. Dr. Suhir is on the faculty of Portland State University,USA; Technical University, Vienna, Austria and James Cook University, Australia. He is also CEO of a Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) ERS Co. USA, Life Fellow of the IEEE, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), the Society of Optical Engineers (SPIE), and the International Microelectronics and Packaging Society (IMAPS) and has over 400+ publications in electronics and reliability engineering.

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